Comparaison des versions


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This table provides a high-level summary of how you can utilize Teams, SharePoint, and OneDrive in different situations. Scroll down the page for more information.

Primary user(s)

Great for...

Sharing and access control

Conversations and communicationUtilisateurs principaux

Pratique pour…

Partage et contrôle d’accès

Conversation et communications

Microsoft Teams icon


TeamProject-oriented teams to have a conversation, work together in files, call, and meet right where the work is happening. 

que des équipes orientés sur des projets ou des thèmes précis aient un lieu où travailler ensemble dans des fichiers, discutent et se rencontrent directement où le travail se fait.

Teams can be public (open to anyone in your organization) or private (managed membership). 

Les équipes peuvent être publiques (ouvertes à tout le monde dans l’organisation)

Communicate in real time with teammates in a chat-based environment and in online meetings.

Microsoft SharePoint icon


Team, group, organization

Storing files in the cloud and sharing them with your team or organization, using robust permission management, and creating feature-rich available to be added to your Teams channel.

Share files with your team, organization, and external users. Use Office 365 Groups to control access on team sites, or set up more robust permissions for sites and documents.

Communication using SharePoint News. News can be added to your Teams channel, too.  And you can add comments and likes to SharePoint pages.

Microsoft OneDrive icon


Individual and team

Storing and syncing files in the cloud and accessing them from anywhere on any device. Ideal for work in progress and sharing with specific individuals.

Documents are private until you share them. Share files individually and work on Office documents with others at the same time.

Comment on documents and use the @-sign with someone's name. The person you mention receives mail with a link to your comment. 

Lecteurs U et P de HEC Montréal

DropBox, iCloud, OneDrive Personnel et autres outils de stockage en ligne

Information supplémentaire
