This document groups together several recommendations for taking an exam in Assignments. It completes the tutorial you can already access via ZoneCours.. Unless you change the language, by default your interface in ZoneCours is be in French. In order to have the interface and the help pages in English, here is how to change the language:

Once you are connected to a course site, click on Assignments on the menu on the left. On the right, you can click on the Help button to access the tutorial.

On the menu on the left, you will see the help pages displayed for Assignment. Pages for students are highlighted in red.

Dos and Don’ts

After the exam


You will receive an email message confirming receipt. Please save it.

In the event of a problem

Try to reconnect. 

If the problem persists:

1) If your exam is synchronous (meaning there is a specific time slot allocated to do your examen. Ex: December 10 from 9 am to noon):

2) If your exam is asynchronous (meaning the exam is available for several days and you decide when to take it):