This procedure describes how to connect to a course given remotely through Microsoft Teams.

You will receive an invitation in your HEC email address that will contain a link to connect to the course. It is possible to connect:

Connecting to the meeting by Microsoft Teams software

  1. In your teacher's calendar invitation, click "Join the Microsoft Teams meeting":

2. Click "Join Now" to access the meeting:

You are now connected to the meeting:

You can view the group discussion by clicking on

  1. "Show Conversation" button
  2. "Show Participants" button

Connecting to the meeting through a browser

If Microsoft Teams software isn't installed on your device, you can still log in through a browser.

  1. Click on the "Join the Microsoft Teams meeting" link in the invitation sent by your teacher as in point 1 above.

       2. In the browser page that opens, click "Participate on the web instead":

       3. If the browser asks you to allow access to your microphone and camera, allow it:

       4. Enter your name if necessary and then click "join now":

You are now connected to the meeting:

You can view the group discussion by clicking on

  1. "Show Conversation" button
  2. "Show Participants" button