Setting up an multi-factor authentication (MFA) connection with ZoneCours

Setting up an multi-factor authentication (MFA) connection with ZoneCours

HEC Montréal uses multi-factor authentication (MFA) to increase security when connecting to ZoneCours

ZoneCours and Office 365.

*If this is the first time you are logging into your Office 365 account prenom.nom@hec.ca, you must set up two-factor authentication as described in this procedure.

  1. To log in, go to ZoneCours: log in with your HEC Montreal email address and password.


  2. After you enter your HEC Montréal email and password in Office 365, you will be prompted to

    use an authentication method (application or SMS).

  3. Once authenticated, you will be redirected to the ZoneCours website.

  4. Students who do not have a HEC Montreal email address must log in with another account associated with their ZoneCours profile.


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