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This procedure describes how to connect to a course given remotely through Microsoft Teams.

You will receive an invitation in your HEC email address that will contain a link to connect to the course. It is possible to connect:

  • Through Microsoft Teams software, available for free for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and iOS.
  • Through a browser (Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge are supported, Firefox is not) by logging into the HEC webmail.

Connecting to the meeting by Microsoft Teams software

  1. In your teacher's calendar invitation, click "Join the Microsoft Teams meeting":

2. Click "Join Now" to access the meeting:

You are now connected to the meeting:

You can view the group discussion by clicking on

  1. "Show Conversation" button
  2. "Show Participants" button

Connecting to the meeting through a browser

If Microsoft Teams software isn't installed on your device, you can still log in through a browser.

  1. Click on the "Join the Microsoft Teams meeting" link in the invitation sent by your teacher as in point 1 above.

       2. In the browser page that opens, click "Participate on the web instead":

       3. If the browser asks you to allow access to your microphone and camera, allow it:

       4. Enter your name if necessary and then click "join now":

You are now connected to the meeting:

You can view the group discussion by clicking on

"Show Conversation" button
"Show Participants" button

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